Saturday, 6 December 2014

Pre-production: Lighting

With the exception of the scene at the end of the short film, I intend to use natural lighting, without using artificial lighting. I have made this choice for a number of reasons. For one, I want to use natural lighting to create a realistic scene. If it happens that I film on a dark day or at least the sky is overcast I don't want to use artificial lights because this won't tie into my story and the events occurring during it. Furthermore, I will be covering large areas at one time and the light beams won't reach far enough for this to prove even effective.

Moreover, if the lighting proves poor during the last scene (my only interior location), I plan on using artificial lighting directed at the actors being shot. Alternatively I might choose to instead use low-key lighting with a blue/ grey filter in order to create an ominous atmosphere.

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